Racial Codependency No More


Richard Spencer (of NPI and Radix Journal) recently did an interview with the anti-White news pundit Roland Martin on Newsone. The interview was supposed to discuss why White Nationalists and so-called “White Supremacists” are excited about Donald Trump and why White people are anxious about massive non-White immigration and forced integration.

Overall Spencer did a good job in the interview and made many fine points.  One of the more important points made by Spencer was when he pointed out the “non sequitur” argument that supposes since Whites came to America in large numbers as immigrants, that this means the whole world has a right to come in mass. The fact that Martin made this argument shows that he doesn’t care about blacks as much as maintaining his position in the globalist, race agitation apparatus. The fact is, it doesn’t matter what past immigration policy was; immigration policy today should be made in the interests of US citizens. Black people are hurt more than any other group by massive low skilled immigration.

Martin also asserted that David Duke was a “White Supremacist” because he was a member of the Ku Klux Klan four decades ago.  In general I would agree that being a member of the KKK does not make one look very good. But if you actually study Duke’s Career in the Klan, he actually tried to reform it into a law-abiding, respectable organization. He made potential members say an oath swearing against violence. If you read the work of Duke or listen to his interviews, you don’t by any means see a “supremacist” of any kind.  He’s actually a thoughtful, respectful, even “tolerant” (in the real sense of the word) person. In fact, I would argue that black people in America would be better off with a David Duke Presidency than they are with President Obama (or Hillary Clinton).

In general, I have sympathy for blacks in America. They were brought as slaves after being sold to Whites by their fellow Africans. They were then used by the Northern power elites as tools against the South during Reconstruction. Then in the 1960’s they were used by the globalist elites as a revolutionary vanguard to destroy White communities during the so-called “civil rights” era. Today, they’re being used again to agitate and cause violence as members of the Globalist Occupation Army in The West.

Blacks have been used by the power elites since they got to America. Members of the race agitation apparatus like Martin act as “leaders” for black people but only make their plight worse. The solution for black people is to obtain sovereignty as a people. If they see themselves as a people with a particular identity (black/African-American), then they have to build up their own communities. The relationship between blacks and Whites in America is like a dysfunctional, codependent family. One family member (blacks) constantly complains about the other family member (Whites) but won’t leave the family member that’s supposedly mistreating them because they don’t think they can survive without them. Meanwhile, the other family member (Whites) has to constantly put up with accusations of persecution but never tells the other family member (blacks) to leave because they feel they have to “save” them. This is classic codependency.

What I propose to solve the race problem in America is a break up of the dysfunctional family system. Americans must be given the right to form communities with the people who they identify with. It is inhumane to force diversity on any human group. If someone has private property or owns a business it’s their choice who they sell to or hire.  If people want to form an exclusive civil organization, school, or church congregation then this is their right as sovereign humans.  Americans must be given the right to freedom of association. At the same time, each slave descended black will received a one time $250,000 dollar reparations payment.  Eligible blacks will be given 1% interest loans to start businesses.  There will also be a massive civil works project rebuilding inner city infrastructure that will look to hire slave descended blacks first.   Last, all slave descended blacks will be given free education to any state school in America if they wish to go.

This program will break up the American codependent family-system by giving Whites freedom from the bondage of diversity while offering a true road to freedom for blacks.  Of course, people like Roland Martin will object because people like him will lose their power and status. As blacks learn that they don’t need White people to survive, people like Martin will be out of the job. Activists like Martin would support all the benefits for blacks that my program offers but would reject the right to free association.  The Roland Martins of the world are too afraid to leave a dysfunctional system that only hurts them. This is typical of codependents.

Any disruption of  a codependent relationship always causes a “crises” reaction from some of the system’s components. The important thing is to stand your ground and to maintain your boundaries.




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2 thoughts on “Racial Codependency No More

  1. Tiramisu July 16, 2016 at 5:08 pm Reply

    The first thing is that the slavery of subjects of black race, occurred because of security reasons, because there where were the Europeans were other primitive cultures, these primitive cultures were almost always inhumane ; because they were cannibals, and also killed by the simple fact of a day of drought or of continuous rain. Then it adapted it security for other reasons such as the trade and the slave labor for a benefit of the Community of culture more secure in the world : the West.

    In addition the peoples of black race were already black slaves, of its own people or their conquests, before the arrival of white men to discover those cultures inhuman and primitives.

    Also, we have the case of other non-white cultures, as for example, Muslims and Arabs ( already assimilated by the invasions of non-white races in previous centuries ) that made slavery as a means of life.


    And, where there were business, had components Jews, no doubt.


  2. […] out, the Wall has been built, and freedom of association has been re-implemented (along with a comprehensive racial reform program), this program would fit […]


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